Create validityBase (vBase) dataset commitments for S3 objects.
Records timestamped signatures (commitments) for one or more S3 objects.
A commitment proves that an object was known to a user at a given point-in-time
and belonged to a given dataset.
Such commitments establish provenance and PIT accuracy of datasets and its records.
--dataset_nameDATASET_NAME - vBase dataset to receive commitments (default: None)
--bucketBUCKET - S3 bucket name (default: None)
--keyKEY - S3 object key: If supplied, a single object will be committed. –key, –key_prefix, or –key_pattern argument must be provided. (default: None)
--key_prefixKEY_PREFIX - S3 object key prefix: If supplied, objects matching the prefix will be committed. –key, –key_prefix, or –key_pattern argument must be provided. (default: None)
--key_patternKEY_PATTERN - S3 object key pattern: If supplied, objects matching the wildcard pattern will be committed.
–key, –key_prefix, or –key_pattern argument must be provided. (default: None)
--versionVERSION - S3 object version: If latest is specified, the latest object will be committed. If version_id is specified, –version_id argument must be provided, and the version specified by version_id will be committed. The version_id option is only compatible with single object (–key argument) commitments. (default: latest)
--version_idVERSION_ID - S3 object version ID to commit (default: None)
--use_aws_access_key - use AWS authentication: If specified, AWS Access Key defined in .env will be used. In this case, .env must define AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables.